Sunday, June 16, 2013

Opened Up Shop on Etsy!

Hello Folks! I am now taking orders for the Orcish Dagger on Etsy!

Here is the link...head on over and grab you one!

Orcish Dagger - DONE!!

So I have finally finished the Orcish Dagger from Skyrim. Here are some final shots of the painting and a decent final shot.

Started some layers of painting and trying different brands. Ended up using Krylon paints for the color layers and Rustoleum Auto Primer.

MOAR PAINTS...You can see my colors in the back ground that im working with.

Started some polishing now....

And boom final piece...

FYI I am taking orders for this bad boy if anyone is interested...

On to the next project!

Orcish Dagger - Crap...the ravens eye on the hilt...

Started work on the "Ravens Eye" or whatever its suppose to be. But the ingame model has this beak and eye on it. I didn't really want to make up a whole batch of bondo just to make this, so I managed to get some air dry clay from the local hobby store. It by the way is a pain, it cracks and just not how I was hoping.

So I used some nail filler and that helped a bit on the cracks. I need to get some apoxie scuplt for future projects...will work a hundred times better. 

Orcish Dagger - Bondosaurus rex!

Finally finished up the bondo part of this project and tried to take some decent photos of it on a black back ground.
Side A
I still need to use some bondo and some other filling products to fill in holes and gaps but other wise pretty much done with the bondo.

Side B

Cool sideways look? 

Orcish Dagger - Bondolicious?

More bondo to both daggers...filling in gaps and leveling stuff out. I am pretty sure after some time I will get better at using this stuff. Hence the two daggers and creating a learning experience for all of these.

Added some small slops of bondo here and there to fill in some air bubble holes created from the last pass.

Started work on the end which has the most detail...

Some more final sanding to smooth out the blade and the edges.

More shots coming!

Orcish Dagger - Second Dagger and more Bondo

Started on my second and more accurate dagger while adding more bondo to the first dagger. I will say this, bondo is a B$*%& to work with on any surface that's not smooth or flat. Trying to get it to make a smooth finish on a curve is almost impossible. I have added a couple layers of bondo so far each one...trying to fill in bubble gaps from the previous layer.

here is the curve i was talking about PRE sanding of course.

Second dagger I decided to go with 3 layers of resin since on the first one I was making holes in some of the construction from just sanding the bondo off.

Orcish Dagger - Moar Bondo...

Sanded down the first part of the bondo I added to the test dagger. It came out better then I had expected with a few bumps in the road. For one go very slow since this stuff can sand away very quickly. Second, if using anything electric with sanding be careful as well, it will take away the resin very quickly and leave you with holes in your model. Which is what happened to me a couple of times.

Also after the first night of coughing up a lung from inhaling all the dust from sanding. I purchased a respirator from my local home improvement store. Best purchase ever! Plus I look like I just fell out of Fallout or something. 

Orcish Dagger - MONDO BONDO!

After loading up two layers of resin and sanding it down as best as possible I moved on to the next part of this project. Which is the bondo, started out with my test dagger just like before to get a feel of what it does and how it works. Bondo is made up of two components the bondo its self and the hardening agent that makes it ..well hard. I highly recommend to start with small sections at a time to get a feel for it and sand as you go. This stuff has about a 3-6 minute working time frame and cures in about 30. Which is great for working fast on a single project.

Orcish Dagger - Resin Time

On to putting resin on these two guys...well at least the crap one first just to understand what the hell I am doing.

I am using 3M's fiberglass resin product with the supplied hardener. For every 1 ounce of resin you would add 10 drops of hardener. Luckily the bottom line on all solo cups is exactly 1 easy clean up as well. Make sure to have gloves and respirator masks in an area that has constant fresh air...this stuff will knock you out!

Here it is before...

 ....and after first coat..

Orcish Dagger - Paper done!

Finally finished all the paper, cutting and gluing part of this project. Here are the two finished blades. Left one is the scrape tester and the right one is the better version. Going to start resin coating next on the tester to see best practices again....will updated on that soon.
Controller for scale....they should be 1:1 scale.

Orcish Dagger - Continued...

So after a couple days of gluing...and re-cutting ...and re-gluing  I managed to come up with two of these guys. One is awful but it helps me understand best practices with pepakura. I would recommend to anyone doing the same thing. Make a crappy version and be prepared to do it over. The second one is the more accurate and refined one.

Which BTW here is the link for the Viewer

And the link for the file for the Orcish Dagger.

I can not lay any claim to creating the file....I just used it.

Orcish Dagger - Part 2

So started gluing everything together, I highly recommend using disposable rubber gloves while doing this process.

The cutting was a pain for sure but the gluing is something that requires a bit more attention. All lines and folds need to line up perfectly other wise you get a wonky or off center shape.

Orcish Dagger - Part 1

After....I dont know a day of razor blades and painful wrist action....I managed to cut all the parts out....USE A RULER WHEN CUTTING....I will show why...

First Project - Orcish Dagger

So I figured for my first project I would try my hand at some pepakura stuff...amazing how much detail can be achieved with some card stock and super glue.

 And this is how it starts out....a crap ton of paper....

Welcome - Bienvenue - Willkommen

Welcome to The Rusted Scabbard's blog, this is the new home for Cox props and all the fine items I make. The first couple posts will be to copy over all the Orc Dagger stuff and move on to the next project!